Source code for grigori.watcher

import json
import logging
import os
import re
import time
import types

from enum import IntEnum

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Change(IntEnum): """Simple Enum representing the different types of changes to a file.""" ADDED = 1 MODIFIED = 2 DELETED = 3
[docs]class Watcher: """Class that starts watching your files.""" _directory = os.getcwd() # The root directory to watch. _recursive = False _polling_interval = 1000 # The time between polls, in milliseconds. _file_pattern = r".+" # The file pattern to match entries that are files. _directory_pattern = r".+" # The directory pattern to match entries that are directories. _cache = False # If True, we create a '.grigori' file which stores the files on shutdown. _callback_added = None _callback_modified = None _callback_deleted = None _files = {} # Contains the current file list after each poll. def __init__(self, directory: str, recursive: bool = _recursive, polling_interval: int = _polling_interval, file_pattern: str = _file_pattern, directory_pattern: str = _directory_pattern, cache: bool = _cache): self._directory = directory self._recursive = recursive self._polling_interval = polling_interval self._file_pattern = file_pattern self._directory_pattern = directory_pattern self._cache = cache # Check if we should use cache. if self._cache: self._load_cache() def _load_cache(self) -> None: """Load a list of files from the cache file.""" cache_file = os.path.join(self._directory, ".grigori") if not os.path.exists(self._directory): self._cache = False logger.warning("turned off caching for this session because the directory: '" + self._directory + "' does not exist") if os.path.isfile(cache_file): with open(cache_file, "r") as fh: try: self._files = json.load(fh) except json.JSONDecodeError: logger.error("cache contains invalid JSON, it will not be used") def _save_cache(self) -> None: """Save the list of files to the cache file.""" cache_file = os.path.join(self._directory, ".grigori") with open(cache_file, "w") as fh: json.dump(self._files, fh)
[docs] def on(self, change_type: Change, callback: types.FunctionType) -> None: """Register a callback function for a type of change. :param change_type: The type of the change. :param callback: A function to call when a change of the given type occurs. """ if change_type == Change.ADDED: self._callback_added = callback elif change_type == Change.MODIFIED: self._callback_modified = callback elif change_type == Change.DELETED: self._callback_deleted = callback
[docs] def watch(self) -> types.GeneratorType: """Keep polling for file changes and yield them. :return: A generator that yields a list of changes. """ try: while True: yield self._poll() time.sleep(self._polling_interval / 1000) except KeyboardInterrupt: if self._cache: self._save_cache() logger.warning("stopped watching due to KeyboardInterrupt")
def _poll(self) -> list: """Look for changes, then look for deleted files. :return: A list of changes, key the keys 'type' and 'file'. """ changes = [] files = {} self._walk(self._directory, changes, files) # Compare the file lists, so we can find the deleted files. deleted_files = self._files.keys() - files.keys() if deleted_files: for file in deleted_files: change = { "type": Change.DELETED, "file": file } changes.append(change) if self._callback_deleted is not None: self._callback_deleted(change) self._files = files return changes def _walk(self, directory: str, changes: list, files: dict) -> None: """Walk through a directory to find changes in files. :param directory: The directory to walk through. :param changes: A list that tracks the changes during the walks in a poll. :param files: A list of files that are found during this poll. Used to compare to the list from the previous poll to find deleted files. """ if not os.path.isdir(directory): logger.warning("directory '" + directory + "' does not exist") return with os.scandir(directory) as scanner: for entry in scanner: if == ".grigori": # Filter cache file continue if self._is_temporary_file(entry.path): # Filter out IDE temporary files. continue if entry.is_dir(): if self._recursive and re.match(self._directory_pattern, self._walk(entry.path, changes, files) else: if re.match(self._file_pattern, files[entry.path] = entry.stat().st_mtime # Save in new list, so we can compare for deleted. if entry.path in self._files: # The file is already saved, so we modified it. if entry.stat().st_mtime > self._files[entry.path]: change = { "type": Change.MODIFIED, "file": entry.path, } changes.append(change) if self._callback_modified is not None: self._callback_modified(change) else: # The file is not in the files list, so we added it. change = { "type": Change.ADDED, "file": entry.path, } changes.append(change) if self._callback_added is not None: self._callback_added(change)
[docs] def wait(self) -> None: """Hacky method to use the 'watch' method without a 'for loop'.""" for changes in pass
@staticmethod def _is_temporary_file(file: str) -> bool: """Check if the file given is a temporary file. :param file: The file to check. :return: True if the file is temporary, False if not. """ # JetBrains editors append ___jb_[tmp/old/bak]___ to temporary file names. if "___jb_tmp___" in file or "___jb_old___" in file or "___jb_bak___" in file: return True # VIM and more append ~ to temporary file names. if file[-1:] == "~": return True return False